9 Testing Servlets
(require web-server/test) |
The Web Server provides a simple facility for writing tests for Web servlets.
The core functionality allows a request to be sent to the servlet and the response captured:
(make-servlet-tester servlet)
(->* () ((or/c string? url? request? false/c) (listof binding?) #:raw? boolean?) (or/c bytes? xexpr?))
servlet :
(-> request? can-be-response?)
No arguments: a call to the root URL path with no bindings.
At least one argument: this may be a string, URL, or a request data structure.
Two arguments: the first argument must be a string or a URL, but the second argument can specify the request bindings.
The optional #:raw? keyword controls whether an X-expression or a byte string is returned as a result.
This facility is designed to be used in concert with a technique of extracting continuation URLs and relevant values; xml/path is one way to do this. Here is an extended example that tests an Add-Two-Numbers.com:
(define (test-add-two-numbers -s>) (define x (random 500)) (define xs (string->bytes/utf-8 (number->string x))) (define y (random 500)) (define ys (string->bytes/utf-8 (number->string y))) (define r0 (-s>)) (define k0 (se-path* '(form #:action) r0)) (define i0 (se-path* '(form input #:name) r0)) (define r1 (-s> (format "~a?~a=~a" k0 i0 xs) (list (make-binding:form (string->bytes/utf-8 i0) xs)))) (define k1 (se-path* '(form #:action) r1)) (define i1 (se-path* '(form input #:name) r1)) (define r2 (-s> (format "~a?~a=~a" k1 i1 ys) (list (make-binding:form (string->bytes/utf-8 i1) ys)))) (define n (se-path* '(p) r2)) (check-equal? n (format "The answer is ~a" (+ x y)))) (require (prefix-in ex:add1: web-server/default-web-root/htdocs/servlets/examples/add) (prefix-in ex:add2: web-server/default-web-root/htdocs/servlets/examples/add-v2)) (test-add-two-numbers (make-servlet-tester ex:add1:start)) (test-add-two-numbers (make-servlet-tester ex:add2:start))