6.10.4 Manual CSS Style Classes
The following renderings of "demo-manual.scrbl" demonstrate all of the CSS style classes used by scribble/manual forms and functions in addition to the base style classes.
S1 Manual All-Styles Document shows the original style in a single-page rendering without a search box.
M1 Manual All-Styles Document shows the original style in a multi-page rendering without a search box.
S2 Manual All-Styles Document shows the current manual style’s adjustments in a single-page rendering with a search box.
M2 Manual All-Styles Document shows the current manual style’s adjustments in a multi-page rendering with a search box.
The style classes:
| RktSym |
| Identifiers with no for-label binding. |
| RktValLink |
| Identifier with for-label binding to a variable definition. |
| RktValDef |
| Definition site of a variable, normally combined with RktValLink. |
| RktStxLink |
| Identifier with for-label binding to a syntactic-form definition. |
| RktStxDef |
| Definition site of a syntactic form, normally combined with RktStxLink. |
| RktSymDef |
| Definition site of an identifier without binding (normally a mistake), combined with RktSym. |
| RktVar |
| Local variable or meta-variable. |
| RktRes |
| REPL result. |
| RktOut |
| Output written to the current output port. |
| RktErr |
| Output written to the current error port. |
| RktCmt |
| A comment in Racket code. |
| RktVal |
| A literal value in Racket code. |
| RktPn |
| Parentheses, keywords, and similar delimiters in Racket code. |
| RktRdr |
| Reader shorthands in Racket code, except for commas. |
| RktMeta |
| An unquoting comma in Racket code. |
| highlighted |
| Hilighlted code (via code:highlight in racketblock, for example). |
| RktIn |
| Foreground for literal characters written with litchar. |
| RktInBG |
| Background for literal characters written with litchar. |
| RktModLink |
| A module name linked to the module’s definition. |
| RktMod |
| A module name (normally RktModLink, instead). |
| RktKw |
| A “keyword;” not normally used. |
| RktOpt |
| Brackets for optional arguments (in function definitions). |
| RktBlk |
| Wrapper for multi-linke Racket code blocks. |
| defmodule |
| Module definition block. |
| RpackageSpec |
| Package specification within a module-definition block. |
| RBoxed |
| Definition block; always combined with boxed. |
| together |
| Table within a together grouping. |
| RBackgroundLabel |
| Wrapper for “procedure,” “syntax,” etc., backing in a definition box. |
| RBackgroundLabelInner |
| Wrapper within RBackgroundLabel. |
| RForeground |
| Wrapper for element to appear over a RBackgroundLabel. |
| prototype |
| Wrapper for a multi-line procedure-definition prototype. |
| argcontract |
| Wrapper for a multi-line argument contract and default value. |
| specgrammar |
| Wrapper for a grammar with a syntactic-form definition box. |
| inherited |
| Wrapper for a margin “inherited methods” table. |
| inheritedlbl |
| Wrapper for “Inherited methods:” and “from” labels. |
| leftindent |
| Left-indented block, such as form specsubform. |
| insetpara |
| Inset block. |
| Rfilebox |
| Wrapper for a file box (via filebox), |
| Rfiletitle |
| Outer wrapper for a file box title. |
| Rfilename |
| Inner wrapper for a file box title. |
| Rfilecontent |
| Wrapper for file box content. |
| SHistory |
| Wrapper for history paragraphs. |
| RBibliography |
| Wrapper for a bibliography section. |