22 Pretty-Printing
This library is unstable;
compatibility will not be maintained.
See Unstable: May Change Without Warning
for more information.
(require unstable/pretty) | package: unstable-pretty-lib |
This module provides tools for pretty-printing.
(pretty-format/write x [columns]) → string?
x : any/c
columns : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? 'infinity) = (pretty-print-columns)
This procedure behaves like pretty-format, but it formats values
consistently with write instead of print.
Examples: | |||||
(pretty-format/display x [columns]) → string?
x : any/c
columns : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? 'infinity) = (pretty-print-columns)
This procedure behaves like pretty-format, but it formats values
consistently with display instead of print.
Examples: | |||||
(pretty-format/print x [columns]) → string?
x : any/c
columns : (or/c exact-nonnegative-integer? 'infinity) = (pretty-print-columns)
This procedure behaves the same as pretty-format, but is named
more explicitly to describe how it formats values. It is included for
symmetry with pretty-format/write and pretty-format/display.
Examples: | |||||
The subsequent bindings were added by Vincent St-Amour <stamourv@racket-lang.org>.
(break-lines s [columns]) → string?
s : string? columns : exact-nonnegative-integer? = (pretty-print-columns)
Splits the string s into multiple lines, each of width at most
columns, splitting only at whitespace boundaries.
Example: | ||||||